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Wir sind die Sharks!

We are a team of innovators, sustainability experts, circular economists, organizational developers and strategists who envision a better planet based on global sustainability and profitable innovation. To achieve this, we leverage our experience of the last 15 years: We have empowered companies, start-ups, innovation teams, sustainability managers and organizational developers, and built entrepreneurial ecosystems, accelerators and incubators for companies.

Dr.-Ing Daniel Groos

Dr.-Ing Daniel Groos

Gründer und Managing Director

Innovation & Intrapreneurship | Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement | Agile Arbeit & Führung

Dorothea Ward

Dorothea Ward

Managing Consultant

Agile Arbeit & Führung | Organisationsentwicklung | Innovation & Intrapreneurship

Laura Kohler

Laura Kohler

Gründerin und Managing Director

Innovation & Intrapreneurship | Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement | Agile Arbeit & Führung

Heinke Schoger

Heinke Schoger

Managing Consultant

Kreislaufwirtschaft | Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement | Innovation & Intrapreneurship

Thomas Wiese

Thomas Wiese

Managing Consultant

Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement | Innovation & Intrapreneurship | Agile Arbeit & Führung

Jacob Hensler

Jacob Hensler


Kreislaufwirtschaft | Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement | Innovation & Intrapreneurship

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